The next major Xbox One update will drop in February

Xbox One
New update in November

Microsoft has unleashed its biggest, most exciting update for Xbox One since the console's launch, but it's not stopping there. Already the engineers and developers are in the process of knocking the next system update into shape.

But don't worry, Microsoft isn't going to be messing around with anything until after Christmas, so you all have a chance to get to grips with what the new Xbox One dashboard can offer without it up and changing on you.

In fact, Microsoft's Mike Ybarra has announced, on Major Nelson's weekly podcast, that the next update to the Xbox One isn't going to arrive until February.

Xbox One

"February is our next update," says Ybarra. "The reason behind that is we like to have level stability over the holidays."

With Microsoft hoping for increased sales volume over the holiday period there could be a whole lot of new Xbox One owners out there – and switching things up on them almost as soon as they open the box could be a nightmare.

Not the best time

"It's not the best time for consumers to have new features, certainly not the best time for the team either," continues Ybarra. "That stability is really important."

And sales, in the US at least, are looking healthier than they have in a while. The Xbox One actually posted a sales lead over the PS4 in the United States in October, selling 303,000 units against the PS4's 275,000.

The US is the Big M's strongest region for Xbox One sales though, with the PS4 increasing its overall advantage again across the rest of the world.