iPhone 'white screen of death' expected to be fixed in iOS 7 update

iOS 7 update glitch fix
Always resets are the exact worst time

Upgrading to iOS 7 gave iPhone users a fresh coat of paint on Apple's stale user interface, but it also gave the new, much more unwelcome "white screen of death" glitch.

Now the company is said to be in the process of fixing this random soft reboot problem, four months after the mobile operating system launched worldwide.

"We have a fix in an upcoming software update for a bug that can occasionally cause a home screen crash," Apple spokesperson Trudy Muller told Mashable.

This is the same reset glitch that sometimes goes by the name "black screen of death." In these cases, the phone reboot color is simply matching the black or newer space gray iPhone 5S bezel color.

It's the same obnoxious bug through and through.

iOS 7.1 around the corner

This erratic iPhone behavior is likely to be rolled into iOS 7.1, though Apple didn't go so far as to confirm this timing.

That may be because the iOS 7.1 release date for public consumption is currently unknown. Right now, the fourth beta is in the hands (or handsets) of developers for testing purposes.

The beta hints that the long-awaited iOS in the Car feature will jumpstart at the same time this first major iOS 7 update rolls out.

Other minor bug fixes and improvements are possible for iOS 7.1, with a more robust feature list being predicted for iOS 8.

Matt Swider