The net 'seriously bad' for young children By Richard Preston published March 21, 2007 Leading child expert rejects BT survey
At last! Use your mobile on a plane By Richard Preston published March 20, 2007 'Please turn on your mobiles' plea to passengers
Americans don't mind adverts on their mobiles By Richard Preston published March 20, 2007 New study details what they'd like in exchange for ads
Texting competition offers £13k top prize By Richard Preston published March 19, 2007 LG, Verizon lauch speed text contest to crown champion
Italy gets tough on school mobile ban By Richard Preston published March 19, 2007 Education minister wants morality lessons, stricter teachers
Europe 'must adopt mobile TV' By Richard Preston published March 15, 2007 Commission not happy with lack of progress in the medium
London Underground to run mobile phone trial By Richard Preston published March 15, 2007 Six month test will bring mobile reception to Tube
Call America for nothing on your mobile By Richard Preston published March 15, 2007 barablu offers freebie calling (but only on Nokia handsets)
Medical helplines failing patients By Richard Preston published March 14, 2007 Committee report finds reforms not working
EU to cut mobile roaming charges By Richard Preston published March 13, 2007 Commission wants 60 per cent price cut by June
Internet radio fights royalty ruling By Richard Preston published March 12, 2007 US law could be far reaching, warns industry
Ex-Disney exec launches online TV channel By Richard Preston published March 12, 2007 Vuguru to show 90-second episodes of original content
Fring: free VoIP for your Nokia mobile By Richard Preston published March 8, 2007 Lets you chat to friends who use Skype, Google Chat and MSN
Mobile TV gets closer to home By Richard Preston published March 8, 2007 O2 starts DVB-H trial in Ireland today
AMD bringing console graphics to mobiles By Richard Preston published March 7, 2007 New support measures aim for strong development for handheld
Intel chip could boost iPhone rivals By Richard Preston published March 6, 2007 Power and performance could be 'killer combo', says Otellini
ITV halts phone-ins By Richard Preston published March 6, 2007 ITV has suspended all phone-ins on its TV shows while an independent review investigates the fairness of the broadcaster's phone-ins. A number of TV shows have been accused of questionable fairness
Top Russian theatre jams mobiles By Richard Preston published March 2, 2007 Drastic measure taken to 'protect the artists'
Grundig launches slender wonder-phone By Richard Preston published March 2, 2007 B700 smartphone is gushing with hot features
Nobody wants VoIP-enabled mobiles By Richard Preston published March 2, 2007 US research finds convergence focus is unfounded
Teach kids typing to kill RSI By Richard Preston published March 1, 2007 Epidemic must end before it starts, says TUC
MP3 upstart sues Apple, Samsung, Sandisk By Richard Preston published February 28, 2007 Patent violation claims come a day after patent is bought
Make and sell your own porn By Richard Preston published February 28, 2007 PixMeTV to generate money for your vids
Canon loses court battle over SED TV By Richard Preston published February 26, 2007 Canon has this week been found guilty of breaching its contract with Nano-Proprietary Inc in its development of a new flatscreen TV technology, according to Reuters
IPTV will kill the video store By Richard Preston published February 23, 2007 Popularity of internet TV set to explode