Assassin's Creed Shadows' main story won't feature multiple endings depending on dialogue choices, but side content will have different outcomes

Assassin's Creed Shadows
(Image credit: Ubisoft)

  • Assassin's Creed Shadows' main story won't feature multiple endings, Ubisoft has confirmed
  • Associated game director Simon Lemay-Comtois said side content will have different outcomes
  • The game's Canon mode will also take away dialogue options to offer a fixed experienced

Assassin's Creed Shadows' main story won't have multiple endings and will instead feature a fixed outcome.

During an interview with TechRadar Gaming at a recent preview event for Assassin's Creed Shadows, Simon Lemay-Comtois, associated game director, confirmed that the game's narrative can't be changed through player decisions.

"So we don't have multiple endings," Lemay-Comtois said. "We don't have a big shift that could happen. The story that we tell is going to end up where it's going to end up. What you get to choose is the detail and the path you take to get there."

Although the main story's outcome is fixed, Lemay-Comtois confirmed that side quests will allow for multiple outcomes depending on player choices.

"There's a lot of side content that is much more the choices you make in the side content will dictate an outcome or another. But in the main story, it's mostly style and player choice that changes the path you take to get where you want," he said.

Lemay-Comtois also touched on the game's Canon mode, which allows players to experience the game with choices already made for them.

"Some players don't like choice in the games. I'm not one of them, but we introduced the Canon mode, which is the 'here's Assassin's Creed Shadows without choices in it' and this is the ultimate story that the writer would write if there was no choice," the developer said.

This means dialogue choices won't be featured in this mode, which Lemay-Comtois said allows conversations to "flow from one character to the other".

Assassin's Creed Shadows is scheduled to launch on March 20 for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, and PC.

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