The PS5 classic themes are leaving today, but Sony already plans to bring them back

An official retro PS5 theme.
(Image credit: Sony)

  • The limited-time PS5 themes will be removed today
  • Sony thanks fans for the "fantastic response" to them
  • As a result, they will be coming back in future

Sony has confirmed that the limited-time console themes, which allow you to deck out your PS5 UI in an original PlayStation, PS2, PS3, or PS4 aesthetic, will be removed today.

In a recent X / Twitter post, Sony thanked fans for the "fantastic response" to the themes but confirmed that they will be "leaving" today. This is bad news if you were a fan of the unique looks, but there is a silver lining here.

Thanks to the "positive response on these four themes" Sony is now "doing some work behind the scenes" to bring them back in the "months ahead." There's no clear timeframe yet, but this will presumably involve making them a permanent option on PS5 sometime later this year.

In spite of this, Sony also stated that there "aren't plans to create additional themes in future," which is a massive shame. Many PS4 owners loved the ability to personalize their console's home screen, which has a wide range of both free and paid options available inspired by top games. Although it has been a much-requested feature for PS5, it looks like we won't be seeing anything as comprehensive as that old system implemented any time soon.

Given the rather sparse look of the PS5 home screen, I definitely wouldn't mind the ability to spice things up a little bit. At least the future return of these four retro themes is better than nothing.

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Dashiell Wood
Hardware Writer

Dash is a technology journalist who covers gaming hardware at TechRadar. Before joining the TechRadar team, he was writing gaming articles for some of the UK's biggest magazines including PLAY, Edge, PC Gamer, and SFX. Now, when he's not getting his greasy little mitts on the newest hardware or gaming gadget, he can be found listening to J-pop or feverishly devouring the latest Nintendo Switch otome.

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