Skylanders Battlecast tips and tricks
Born to Battlecast

Skylanders Battlecast
Skylanders Battlecast is a free card game for iOS and Android devices that's based on the hit Skylanders series of computer games. While previous versions of Skylanders involved collecting and using figurines to battle, with Skylanders Battlecast you collect and unlock cards on your smartphone.
It's a fast paced and addictive game, so read on for our collection of Skylanders Battlecast tips and tricks, which will show you how to dominate the game.
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1. Tick off those daily quests
Because Skylanders Battlecast is a free-to-play game, there are plenty of daily challenges and quests for you to complete. There are usually a handful that go live everyday, so make sure you log in, meet the requirements and claim your free coins. Quests usually involve completing a task or action a number of times, so always get these out of the way first in your first few battles.
These quests sometimes drop cards as well. If you're looking to stick with Skylanders Battlecast without spending any money, you'll need to start earning better cards. This tactic will keep you in fresh cards every couple of days.
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2. Swap out cards so spells can be used
Spell cards are a staple in Skylanders Battlecast and help determine the biggest attacks you can deal during combat. These Spells are also linked to the different elements in the game (Life, Magic, Tech, etc) so you're going to need to pair them up with Skylanders that share that core elemental feature for the maximum effect.
To do this, wait until it's your turn and swap out your Skylanders to make them match. Simply tap the green looped arrows behind your active Skylander and you'll be able to access the other two in a flash.

3. Log in daily and claim your free spin
Much like those quests we mentioned earlier, there are plenty of little gifts and promotions that will help you bolster your deck without the need to spend actual money in-game. Each day, Skylanders Battlecast will offer you one free spin of its loot dropping mini-game.
Most days will offer up a simple gift, such as a low-level card or some coins, but every five days you'll qualify for a Super Spin. You almost always get better stuff out of this spin so it's worth logging in every day to rack up those consecutive uses. You don't need to battle for ages either to earn them, just log in and spin.

4. Use conditions to your advantage
If you're at all experienced in playing the main Skylanders games on consoles, you'll know the special buffs certain Skylanders receive when played in specific areas (such as 'Skylanders of the Water Element are stronger in this zone', etc). A similar system applies in Skylanders Battlecast, so keep an eye on what these conditions are during each battle you encounter (you'll find this information at the bottom-right of the screen during battle).
If the Skylander you've chosen doesn't match the conditions, swap them out for one in your deck that does. This monster will automatically be stronger, making them far hardier in a scrap.

5. Level up your Skylanders early
Again, much like the main series of Skylander games, each creature in your deck has its own level that can be increased in battle. This isn't there just to tick a development trope - these ranks will unlock new abilities that will radically change how you play Battlecast. Just remember this levelling only applies to each battle and will reset to zero after a round is complete.
You can level up each Skylander in battle, so much of this will happen naturally over time. Reaching level two will gain access to their unique special ability, while ranking to level three you'll get a bonus attack. We told you these new abilities would change the way you play!

6. Normal attacks cost nothing so use them!
Skylanders Battlecast uses Crystals as its battle currency. This means every time you cast a Spell, Relic or Gear card (or use a special ability) you'll reduce your ever-increasing number of Crystals (think of the mana you use per turn in Hearthstone and you'll be on the money), so keep an eye on your resources each time you play.
But did you know your normal attacks don't cost Crystals? With that mind, try to start with a Skylander that has a strong normal attack to its name - that way, if you run out of Crystals you can still deal some damage to your opponent before your turn is up.

7. Use Relic cards in battle
Spells aren't the only special kind of card at your disposal - there's also something known as Relic cards as well. These very special cards work like an active stat boost, adding special buffs to all of your Skylanders during battle (such as increased health or reduced Crystal costs). As a result, these Relics have their own health number and can be targeted and destroyed by your opponent
Relics are also passive, meaning they don't attack like other Skylanders, so you'll need to protect them in battle to ensure that bonus remains intact. Make sure you've got a powerful Skylander in play to draw attention away from the Relic.

8. Experiment with new card combos
The longer you play Skylanders Battlecast, the more cards you'll acquire (be it through free spins, free packs or the spending of real-life money in the shop) so over time you'll have a decent deck to choose from. Don't be afraid to try different combinations of cards in battle - certain cards work better with others, so start experimenting to see which ones work bests.
Since each Skylander has a set of cards that only work with them, try building your deck around one or two powerful Skylanders you prefer playing with. This is the key to playing well in a CCG, so start building a deck that suits your playstyle in the world of Battlecast.

9. Get three stars for better rewards
Keeping in tradition with the main Skylander games, Battlecast also uses a star system to rank your performance in each battle. You're allowed to use three Skylanders in battle, with each one represented by a single star. Want to score full points after each battle, and at the end of a given level? You'll need to keep each one alive and kicking then.
To do this, you'll need to play smart and use all the previous tips we've provided. Use Spell cards linked to your Skylanders, play unique support cards and protect your chosen Relic card to keep each of your 'Landers on their feet.

10. Don't waste that free pack
Did you know it isn't just free spins you can get by playing Skylanders Battlecast more often? The game also offers free packs. A pack contains a set of new cards that will bolster your collection and is easily the best way to remould and rebuild your deck.
Packs aren't cheap and if you want to buy them in the store you'll either have to bank lots of gold or cough up actual money.
Every so often, Skylanders Battlecast offers up a free pack, so be sure to grab one before its timer runs out. You'll know this cute little extra is available as there will be a big timer in the top left-hand side of the screen while browsing the menus. You might get some duplicates, but you might just get a powerful new Skylander!