Here are the best games of 2017 (so far)
It's been a good year for gaming

Update: We've added our November picks for the best games of this year.
2016 is done and dusted from a gaming perspective, but don’t fret - there are enough great titles coming out in 2017 to put your New Year’s resolution of getting outside more or spending less on games in some serious jeopardy.
That being said, we've gone through and compiled the list of the best games coming next year as well as collected the best ones that have already come out (Gravity Rush 2 anyone?).
The reason for this list is two-fold: First and foremost we want to give you a look ahead at the new year of gorgeous games – powered in large part by powerful hardware like the PS4 Pro and Xbox One S. Then, once we start collecting more games that deserve to be called "the best of 2017" we'll group them together by month for your perusing pleasure. Combined, this list should give you a pretty complete overview of where you should spend your free-time next year.
Oh, and in case you missed it, and are interested the best gaming moments of last year, be sure to check out our 2016 Game of the Year Awards.
Looking for the best of all-time lists? We have ones for the best Xbox One games, the best PS4 games, the best Nintendo 3DS games, the best PC games, the best indie games, the best iPhone games and the best Android games.
OK, we've spent time enough living in the past. Our first eagerly-anticipated release is less than a month away, so let's not waste any more time.

Best games of January 2017
Resident Evil 7
What system(s) is it on? PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC
The latest entry in Capcom’s survival horror series is a wild departure from its past few predecessors, but in the end that only made it better. Foregoing the guns-blazing action mentality that had come to define the series for better or worse in the past few years, Resident Evil VII came at us with a much more subdued scare tactic. A first-person horror adventure trapped in a musty, rotted house with a family of musty, rotted maniacs? If that doesn't scream nostalgia, I'm not sure what does. Resident Evil 7 was a great return to form for the series and one that's well worth your time.
Read our full Resident Evil 7 review
Gravity Rush 2
What system(s) is it on? PS4
Gravity Rush 2 was a huge sleeper hit this month. The original – while definitely unique in its premise and art style – didn't reach critical acclaim, but that's a whole different story here. New gravity powers and styles make combat feel fresh and the expanded relationships give us something more to latch onto. There are still a few control problems here, as you might obviously expect from a game that involves manipulating gravity, but overall its charm and beauty far outweigh any lingering issues we might've had.
Yakuza 0
What system(s) is it on? PS4
Yakuza 0 is a game you didn't know you wanted from a series you might've only heard but it's downright amazing. Imagine Grand Theft Auto minus the ludicrous amount of ammunitions and adding in tons of hysterical side quests.
To that end, Yakuza 0 is a deadly serious game about some really adult material that never takes itself too seriously. You'll have just as much fun pummeling people for cash as you will playing any number of the wacky and wonderful mini games you can find throughout the massive game world. Gravity Rush 2 was this month's sleeper pick, but Yakuza 0 is this month's somehow even sleepier sleeper pick.

Best games of February 2017
Horizon: Zero Dawn
What system(s) is it on? PlayStation 4
The newest project from Killzone series developer Guerrilla Games, Horizon: Zero Dawn’s concept is far more unique and engrossing than the forgettable mashup of words that make up its title. (Seriously, we challenge you to leave us a more generic-sounding title in the comments below.)
Thankfully, Horizon's premise was far more original.
An action adventure set in a world overrun with robotic fauna, Horizon casts you as a human hunter named Aloy who uses a mix of stealth, ranged combat, and a little improvisation to fell inorganic beasts and survive in the mecha-wilderness. Not just a unique take on an open world, Horizon pushes what the PS4’s hardware can do from a graphical level. That said, we feel this game deserves a spot in any gamer's PS4 library.
You can read our full review here.
Halo Wars 2
What system(s) is it on? Xbox One, PC
Despite it being eight years since the last game, Halo Wars 2 doesn’t feel like a large step from the original. It looks better and it takes into account everything that’s happened in the Halo story since the first game, but mechanically it is much the same as its predecessor. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, though. Everything considered, Halo Wars 2 is enjoyable – if not that innovative.

Best games of March 2017
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
What system(s) is it on? Nintendo Wii U, Nintendo Switch
As we expected, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild was the Nintendo Switch's big launch title and it's certainly done well for itself. With good reviews pretty much across the board it's a must-have title and a great way to start off your relationship with the new Switch console.
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild takes the adventuring shenanigans of Link and blows it up onto a sprawling open world where players can explore at their leisure and daring. Even the series’ trademark dungeons can be played in whatever order the player wants, making Breath of the Wild a game that is just as much about maintaining the series' status quo as it is breaking it.
While previous entries in the Legend of Zelda series like Ocarina of Time and Wind Waker have played with the concept of a large explorable map, Breath of the Wild is taking things to ambitious new heights.
Mass Effect Andromeda
What system(s) is it on? PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC
Given how the original Mass Effect trilogy wrapped up the epic tale of Commander Shepard’s battle for all sentient life with a nice lil’ bow, the next installment in BioWare’s sci-fi series had us intrigued. With essentially a blank slate to tell a new story, Andromeda is set far in the future, 600 years after the events of Mass Effects 1 through 3.
In an expansive, semi open-world environment, players are tasked with exploring new planets with the aid of your own ship, the Tempest, and a customizable six-wheeled space whip called the Nomad. Of course, things don't always go according to plan in the more roguish parts of the galaxy, so you'll also be bringing your allies, laser weaponry, biotic powers, and other abilities both familiar and new to Mass Effect fans along for the ride.
Though it's the latest game in the Mass Effect franchise we're not so sure it's the greatest and you can find out why in our full review.

Best games of April 2017
Yooka Laylee
What system(s) is it on? PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Wii U, Nintendo Switch, PC
Sometimes it takes a genre coming back with a vengeance to remind you just how long it's been since you've seen one of its kind. That was the overwhelming feeling playing Yooka-Laylee, the Kickstarted spiritual successor to Banjo-Kazooie from a group of ex-Rare developers, left us with.
The recent absence of the cartoon platformer is what initially makes Yooka-Laylee such a novel game. You play as Yooka, and Laylee sits on your shoulders, allowing you to perform special moves and providing a second character to bounce witty dialogue off. It's a formula we haven't seen in some time, but it's one we're all the more excited to come back to all these years later.

Best games of May 2017
What system(s) is it on? PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC
From the ashes of the cancelled-before-its-time Prey 2, Arkane Studio’s revival of the Prey franchise is, well, some interesting branding. With little direct resemblance to the original Prey to be a reboot, nor anything really to do with its scrapped sequel, Prey is more of a re-imagining of the series’s original concept - though we question what constitutes a series when only one entry ever saw the light of day, but we digress. What now stands in Prey 2’s place is something wild, intriguing, and plenty ambitious enough to be whatever it wants to call itself.
Aboard a research vessel floating in space to study a mysterious alien life form, players will have to use their wits and resources to survive as a breach puts them - and possibly the entire Earth - in danger.
We've given the game a "play it now" recommendation in our full review, praising its often surprisingly deep story, incredible atmosphere and open-ended approach which offers something to both casual and hardcore gamers.
Read our full review of Prey here.
Injustice 2
What system(s) is it on? PlayStation 4, Xbox One
Marvel ain’t the only superhero property throwing down this coming year. NetherRealm Studios’ 2013 brawler Injustice: Gods Among Us is getting a sequel in 2017, returning to the DC Comics universe to knock some serious heads. With classic standbys like Batman, The Flash, and Wonder Woman going toe-to-toe with new additions like Gorilla Grodd and Blue Beetle, Injustice 2 is looking to be a from-the-pages slugfest both fighting game fans and comic aficionados alike can really enjoy.
To that end, Injustice 2’s tagline of “Every Battle Defines You” isn’t just a dramatic piece of marketing text. Each time you step into the ring with one of the DC’s finest, that character walks away with new loot that enhances their skills, traits, or overall ability until you have a suped-up Superman tuned exactly to your tastes.
Read our tips and tricks guide to give yourself a fighting chance in Injustice 2.

Best games of June 2017
Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy
What system(s) is it on? PlayStation 4
Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy is the game we've waited over 20 years to play – it's the not-quite-remastered remake of the game many of us loved growing up. It wasn't something we ever thought would happen considering that the game's original development studio, Naughty Dog, is deep in development of The Last of Us Part 2 and Uncharted 4 DLC, so we're thankful another developer, Vicarious Visions, was there to pick up the slack. Call us suckers for PlayStation-era nostalgia (guilty as charged) but with a year like 2016 in the recent past, it'll be nice to have something to bring us back to the good ol' days.
We think Crash Bandicoot is an example of how classic games should be redone.
Tekken 7
What system(s) can I play it on? PS4, Xbox One and PC
Tekken is up there as one of the best fighting game franchises out there and Tekken 7 is a worthy addition to the series. As ever you'll find an exciting roster of fighters and incredible depth when it comes to controls and tactics.
One problem wth Tekken 7 is that it can be somewhat inaccessible if you're new to the series. Bearing that in mind, we've put together a tips and tricks guide to help you get started.
What system(s) can I play it on? Nintendo Switch
Tekken 7 isn't the only worthwhile fighting game to have come out in June 2017. While Xbox One and PS4 got the latest Tekken, Nintendo kept itself in the fight by releasing the new and Nintendo Switch exclusive Arms.
Arms is a single and online multiplayer fighting game that's quite unlike anything else on the market right now thanks to its colorful characters with telescopic (and interchangeable) 'arms'.
As you'd expect, a new IP means learning new skills and we've got a tips and tricks guide to get you off to a good start.

Best games of July 2017
Splatoon 2
What system(s) can I play it on? Nintendo Switch
Being Nintendo's first real stab at an online shooter, the original Splatoon was a bit of a surprise hit for the Wii U. This time around, however, we were ready and waiting for the sequel on the Nintendo Switch.
Splatoon 2 didn't disappoint, improving on the original in nearly every way while bringing more of the same paint-based fun. Nintendo has really pushed Splatoon 2's online play through competitions at various shows such as E3. If you want to be capable of a stage-worthy performance, you definitely need our tips and tricks guide.

Best games of August 2017
Uncharted: The Lost Legacy
What system(s) can I play it on? PlayStation 4
And they thought it was all over! Yes, we thought the Uncharted series had come to an end after Naughty Dog told us that Nathan Drake's story had been told but we have to admit we were glad we were wrong. Uncharted: The Lost Legacy is a standalone spin-off starring the Nadine and Chloe from the main series.
It runs a little shorter than a core Uncharted game and Nathan Drake is nowhere to be found but it's an excellent game that captures the spirit of the franchise perfectly. After playing it for ourselves, we said it was like an extra verse being added to your favorite song.
Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle
What system(s) can I play it on? Nintendo Switch
Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle took us by surprise but it's absolutely a stand out game from August 2017.
Nintendo's Mario and Ubisoft's Rabbid rabbits doesn't seem like a combination that should work but we promise it really does.
This is a turn-based tactical game and it's incredibly fun to play thanks to gameplay that's satisfyingly complex and deep without being overly difficult. It's a lovely game to look at with fantastic level and character design – overall it's just a charming experience.
With this partnership, Nintendo has managed to secure another successful exclusive for the Switch. With our tips and tricks guide you can ensure your first foray into the game is equally as successful.

Best games of September 2017
Destiny 2
What system(s) can I play it on? PS4, Xbox One and PC
Destiny 2 is the hotly anticipated sequel to the massively successful online multiplayer shooter Destiny. Created by Bungie, this game improves upon the original with an excellent single-player campaign and a much improved sense of accessibility.
We said you should play it now in our review and if you decide that's exactly what you're going to do, we have a tips and tricks guide that's perfect for easing you in.
What can I play it on? PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and PC
It comes around every year and every year we look forward to it. Yes, it's the football sim FIFA. As per the historical trend, the latest installment of FIFA brings in some incremental performance and graphics improvements. It also brings the second season of the series' cinematic story mode The Journey, suggesting it was a game mode experiment that EA considers a success.
We said it was a "Play it Now" title in our FIFA 18 review and if that's advice you've decided to follow, you can play it well with the guidance of our tips and tricks guide.

Best games of October 2017
Super Mario Odyssey
What system(s) can I play it on? Nintendo Switch
Super Mario Odyssey was one of the most highly-anticipated games for the Nintendo Switch this year and it hasn't disappointed. Receiving widespread critical acclaim, this game is a sandbox 3D adventure that puts the super into Super Mario.
We called it one of Mario's finest adventures to date in our review and recommended that you play it now. If that's something you decide to do, you can also check out our tips and tricks guide.
Assassin's Creed Origins
What system(s) can I play it on? Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PC
After a year away, Assassin's Creed returned refreshed and rejuvenated with Origins. This is different to any Assassin's Creed game we've seen before thanks to its addition of RPG mechanics and a new combat system. Far from ruining the series, it's reinvigorated it and this is one of the best releases we've seen in recent memory. Plus, running around ancient Egypt is massive amounts of fun.
In our review we recommended that you play it now.
Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus
What system(s) can I play it on? PS4, Xbox One and PC
The third Wolfenstein may have created some controversy with its, perhaps unintentional, timely topic but it's emerged as one of the strongest games of 2017 and one of the best first-person shooters of this generation.
With tight mechanics, a story with heart and some genuine humor behind it, we thoroughly enjoyed our visit to this alternate America. In our review we called it "superb in every sense" and you can read it in full here.

Best games of November 2017
Call of Duty WW2
What system(s) can I play it on? PS4, Xbox One and PC
Call of Duty has returned and this time it's gone back to its roots. A more historical approach worked for Battlefield 1 and it's almost done as well here.
After Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare disappointed fans and Activision Call of Duty WW2 needed to do something different. Rather than a revolution, though, we've seen more of a refinement.
Across its campaign, online multiplayer and co-op modes the new Call of Duty offers historical thrills and an enjoyable game play experience. Though it's not the balanced game we hoped for, it's the best the franchise has looked in a while and it'll be particularly strong when the online server issues are ironed out.
Make sure you read our full Call of Duty WW2 review.
Star Wars Battlefront 2
What system(s) can I play it on? PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC
November appears to be the month of controversial games. After the issues Call of Duty faced with its servers, the Star Wars world was rocked by a microtransactions scandal. Calling out Battlefront 2 for unfair practices in its loot boxes, fans rebelled, essentially forcing EA to remove them from the game.
It's put something of a dampener on the release of what was one of the most highly-anticipated games of the year. So, why is it in this list? Well, under the controversy and unfair practices there's a great Star Wars game here.
With its more varied online modes and single-player campaign, EA DICE created a game that is in some ways a big improvement on the original and has addressed many of the problems fans had with it. It's just a shame it created so many more for itself.
Read our full Star Wars Battlefront 2 review.
Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon
What system(s) can I play it on? Nintendo 3DS/2DS
The swan song for the Pokemon series on the 3DS platform, it was likely that Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon were going to be good titles. Particularly as they were simply building on the already excellent world that had been established in Sun and Moon last year.
In these games which are a cross between sequels and enhancements, players return to Alola to play a new story, catch new Pokemon and even enter new dimensions.
All in all, these games make small but appreciated improvements to Sun and Moon resulting in an adventure that any Pokemon fan is likely to enjoy.
Emma Boyle is TechRadar’s ex-Gaming Editor, and is now a content developer and freelance journalist. She has written for magazines and websites including T3, Stuff and The Independent. Emma currently works as a Content Developer in Edinburgh.