No swearing at your Xbox One! Live users banned for profanity-laden uploads

No swearing at your Xbox One! Live users banned for profanity-laden uploads
Language must be kept family friendly on the Xbox One

Microsoft is taking a very dim view of gamers who're using an excessive amount of bad language when recording commentary for game recordings using the Upload Studio on the Xbox One.

The company confirmed it is wielding the almighty ban hammer for those swearing like drunken sailors in a tropical storm, when making voiceovers for footage captured using the console's Game DVR feature.

These 24-hour bans are being handed down with varying degrees of harshness. Some users aren't able include Kinect sensor voice recordings, but can still use Upload Studio to share clips.

In other cases, users are being banned from using Upload Studio completely, while Microsoft has said it'll chuck users off Xbox Live completely for violating the code of conduct.

Good, clean fun

A spokesperson said: "We take Code of Conduct moderation via Upload Studio very seriously. We want a clean, safe, and fun environment for all users. Excessive profanity as well as other Code of Conduct violations will be enforced upon and result in suspension of some or all privileges on Xbox Live."

Microsoft assured that, although it is clearly monitoring these video uploads for rough language, it isn't eavesdropping on Skype calls made on the Xbox One using the Kinect sensor.

That's despite one user took to Twitter to report that he'd been banned from using Skype for swearing during a private call.

"To be clear, the Xbox Live Policy & Enforcement team does not monitor direct peer-to-peer communications like Skype chats and calls," Microsoft added.

Via The Verge

Chris Smith

A technology journalist, writer and videographer of many magazines and websites including T3, Gadget Magazine and He specializes in applications for smartphones, tablets and handheld devices, with bylines also at The Guardian, WIRED, Trusted Reviews and Wareable. Chris is also the podcast host for The Liverpool Way. As well as tech and football, Chris is a pop-punk fan and enjoys the art of wrasslin'.