New mock-up images of PSP2 emerge

Is this what the next PSP will look like?
Is this what the next PSP will look like?
  • Update: See the latest details on the Sony NGP

PlayStation fans are keen (read: desperate) to know what the forthcoming Sony PSP 2 handheld will look like, with the latest mock-up images of the handheld from PSM3 magazine sparking debate this week.

The British PlayStation mag has taken everything that it knows about the PSP 2 from developers, analysts, publishers and others and created these images of what its illustrators think Sony's final PSP2 will look like.

Sony will not comment on rumour or speculation surrounding the PSP 2, though we expect to start hearing a lot more from Sony Computer Entertainment about its plans for the forthcoming handheld early in 2011.

PSP 2 imagineered

PSM3's mock-ups of what it imagines the PSP 2 will look like are also based on the real-life 'blurrycam' shots of an early prototype from developers, which originally surfaced earlier this year on

You can see a full scan of the magazine article over on Gametrailers' forums.

Or you might even want to venture out to your local newsagent or WHSmiths to buy yourself a copy of the mag to pore over the images in their full glossy glory.

Sony will not comment on rumour or speculation surrounding the PSP 2, though we expect to start hearing a lot more from Sony Computer Entertainment about its plans for the forthcoming handheld early in 2011.

However, should PSM3's predictions prove to be on the money, it looks like the PSP2 may well have two thumbsticks,

Here's hoping…

Via PSM3, via GameTrailers

Adam Hartley