Here’s why the Roborock S6 makes an excellent gift this holiday season

(Image credit: Roborock)

The holiday season is here, and as such you’re probably starting to consider the gifts to buy for your friends and family, or even to request for yourself. Well, look no further. The Roborock S6 makes the perfect gift.

There are plenty of reasons a robotic vacuum is a great choice for a christmas gift. Robotic vacuums in general take the hassle out of keeping your floors clean. In fact, they can clean your floors while you’re not even home, or at night while you’re asleep. In other words, they can free you up to spend your time doing more important things. 

The Roborock S6 is among the very best robotic vacuums out there. Here’s why.

Smarter than smart

One of the best things about the Roborock S6 is how intelligent it is -- which not only means that it can clean more efficiently, but means that it can clean more deeply too. Notably, the Roborock S6 has a ton of sensors built right into it, meaning that it can easily navigate its environment, and keep itself out of danger. 

(Image credit: TechRadar)

For example, the Roborock S6 has a laser navigation system built right into it, which makes it much more efficient than camera-based robotic vacuums. The system on the Roborock S6 can scan its environment at an impressive 300rpm, meaning that it’ll essentially update its internal map in real time. The result? The vacuum knows exactly where to vacuum and when, and it’ll map its route before it vacuums -- instead of bumbling around the room randomly, like some other robotic vacuums might. You can see that map in the accompanying app too, which you can use to pinpoint exactly where you want the vacuum to clean. That’s perfect for quickly cleaning up spills or particular rooms, without having to clean the house as a whole. 

There are other sensors on the device too. Notably, there are sensors to ensure that the vacuum doesn’t fall down the stairs, and sensors to ensure that it doesn’t get wedged under any furniture. 

Incredible cleaning power

Of course, all those intelligent features wouldn’t mean that much if the vacuum couldn’t clean -- but thankfully, it can. In fact, the Roborock S6 is not only great at vacuuming your floors and carpets, but it can also mop the hard floors -- so you’ll never have to worry about cleaning your floors again. The vacuum comes with a snap-on mop unit, which can easily adjust its water use.

(Image credit: TechRadar)

The Roborock S6 has pretty incredible suction power too. In fact, it can generate enough suction power to be able to lift AA batteries -- so it’ll easily be able to pick up all the dirt and dust in your home. 

Apart from the incredible suction power, the vacuum also has a range of brushes to be able to reach the dirt and dust in the corners of your home. 


The Roborock S6 is super smart and incredible at cleaning your home, making it easily one of the best robotic vacuums out there -- and a great choice for anyone looking for a gift for someone else, or for themselves. 

You can learn more about the Roborock S6 straight from the Roborock website, or head to Amazon to buy one for yourself