Nvidia to support AnyVision in developing AI-based face tracking surveillance for smart cities

In a bid to capture the emerging surveillance and security solutions market, AnyVision, a designer and developer for recognition platforms, has joined Nvidia's Metropolis Software Partner program. 

Nvidia's Metropolis Software Partner program is company's initiative towards AI revolution to build smart cities. Nvidia invites software partners and provides them tools, technologies, and expertise under the program. 

The two companies will work towards creating a network of smart cameras that will give real-time insights and accurate facial data to strengthen public safety. 

Mashable reports that AnyVision combined with Nvidia's technology will enable cameras to scan for faces round the clock, uninterruptedly. The company also claims that it can automatically identify and track individuals within a large crowd with 99% accuracy.

AnyVision's technology is not restricted to just one platform, but can also be accessed on the go. It allows operators to identify and add suspects to a centralised database, and even receive notifications when the suspect is around.

While this technology seems terrifying and breaches privacy, it can also help society if we look at a bigger picture. It cannot just help in tracking down terrorists and criminals, but it can also identify unregistered faces and suspicious behaviour. At most, it can also be used to find individuals who have gone missing.

India is currently moving towards developing a set of cities into smart cities, which includes CCTV surveillance but without face recognition. Thanks to Aadhaar, Indian government has more than 118.64 crore population already enrolled with the UID scheme. That means India has enough facial data registered so that may serve as a help to such technology, one day, hopefully. 

Disclaimer: The article has been updated. 

Sudhanshu Singh

Sudhanshu Singh have been working in tech journalism as a reporter, writer, editor, and reviewer for over 5 years. He has reviewed hundreds of products ranging across categories and have also written opinions, guides, feature articles, news, and analysis. Ditching the norm of armchair journalism in tech media, Sudhanshu dug deep into how emerging products and services affect actual users, and what marks they leave on our cultural landscape. His areas of expertise along with writing and editing include content strategy, daily operations, product and team management.