Automatic fish feeder A normal-looking lock that than can be controlled via an app The most relaxing CES tech demo this year We're working out next to the CEO of this odd company Oral B showed off its Bluetooth-connected toothbrush There were plenty of chic wearables at CES 2015 There was even a silently-shown LG Web OS smartwatch sporting a more premium design Self-driving car concepts are rare now, but could become the norm at future CES shows Brightly colored wearables for kids, just in case your son or daugher isn't already getting beat up Bluetooth-connected tennis rackets syc with phones and tablets Samsung Gear VR provides an interesting Oculus Rift-like experience Philips shows its remote history These tubes were turning continuously to show the toughness of Otter cases. No smartphones were harmed 'Okay Google, start the car' from your Android Wear smartwatch
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