HulloMail launches voicemails you can read
HulloMail Scribe voicemail to text service now on Android and iPhone

If you have ever groaned or moaned about the time it takes you to dial-in and pick up your voicemails, then a new app service from HulloMail is just what you have been waiting for.
The Hullomail voicemail-to-text service allows you to read your voicemails quickly via the app, so you only have to answer the urgent ones, and you no longer have to dial-in, press endless buttons and then listen to long-winded messages.
The new version of the HulloMail's SmartVoicemail app has been enhanced, with the addition of a new voice-to-text transcription technology, Scribe, that gives users the option to have a 10-second 'snapshot' of voicemails transcribed into text format within the app.
The voicemail transcriptions are fully automated and use proven voice-to-text transcription technology that has been integrated in partnership with Nuance – they're the people behind Dragon Dictation on the iPhone and Dragon Naturally Speaking .
The new Get The Gist product is available for HulloMail's Android and iPhone subscribers for a monthly subscription of £1.49 in the UK, $1.99 in the USA and €1.59 in Ireland.
For users of HulloMail's free Android app, the monthly subscription is £1.99 in the UK, $2.99 in the USA and €2.39 in Ireland. This will be extended to the free HulloMail iPhone application in the next client update.
The subscriptions entitle a user to have up to 50 of their voicemails converted to text.
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HulloMail SmartVoicemail Free and Subscription apps are available to download for iPhone from Apple App store, via Google Play for Android and the BlackBerry's App World

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