How did you celebrate your geekiversary? By Luis Villazon published 17 February 09 I never thought I'd make it to 1,234,567,890 seconds
Games consoles need a big red panic button By Luis Villazon published 13 February 09 We need more red buttons
Web-filtering software for kids is a con By Luis Villazon published 10 February 09 Internet baby-sitting software is a con.
Play World of Warcraft and save money By Luis Villazon published 5 February 09 Defeat the recession and the Scourge at the same time
The internet is like Iraq By Luis Villazon published 4 February 09 Opinion: But, despite appearances, there are no goodies or baddies out there in cyberland
PCs are boring - and it's the keyboard's fault By Luis Villazon published 30 January 09 Why can't computers just detect our movements instead?
A Valentine's gift that will live in the memory By Luis Villazon published 28 January 09 Opinion: Forget flowers - nothin' says lovin' like flash RAM
Make porn a bad neighbourhood of the net By Luis Villazon published 23 January 09 Opinion: We should segregate IPs to stop kids accessing unsavoury sites
The guaranteed way to securely delete data By Luis Villazon published 21 January 09 Opinion: How to beat govt snoops - don't tell anyone we told you!
Filtering sites won't make workers more productive By Luis Villazon published 15 January 09 Opinion: We won't stick around to answer your phones at lunch, either
Don't automatically hate the OLPC laptop By Luis Villazon published 8 January 09 I bought myself a One Laptop Per Child laptop for Christmas. Just in time, it seems, for Nicholas Negroponte's flagship to hit the rocks of the global economic slowdown.
Game yourself thin - WoW what a body! By Luis Villazon published 6 January 09 This is not one of those "researchers at the University of the Pig's Arse have found that gamer's burn more calories than professional wrestlers" posts.
Why Mac clones defeat the whole point of a Mac By Luis Villazon published 31 December 08 Opinion: One good thing is better than a choice of 100 rubbish ones
Is it time for a 'PC breathalyser'? By Luis Villazon published 25 December 08 21st century tools for a 21st century police force
Are you a real hero? By Luis Villazon published 23 December 08 Exclusive Genocide, mutilation and torture are OK in games because we know who the baddies are.
Memories aren't so precious after all By Luis Villazon published 18 December 08 A radical new lossy compression scheme, that involves throwing nearly everything away.
Protect your data for a million years By Luis Villazon published 16 December 08 Arbitrary data archival lengths is not about finding a deep enough hole, it's about keeping your data with you at all times.
The 10 most annoying things about the web By Luis Villazon published 12 December 08 The internet would be a better place if it wasn't for all the people that use it
What's wrong with WoW's new quests By Luis Villazon published 9 December 08 Phasing breaks immersion and turns WoW from an MMORPG back into a single-player game.
A billion mice. And most of them in the skip By Luis Villazon published 4 December 08 Opinion: Should Logitech really be celebrating selling a billion computer mouses?
We want the perfect keyboard By Luis Villazon published 2 December 08 We have tolerated WASD for too long now. But there is a better way.
Why adding 3D graphics to games was a bad idea By Luis Villazon published 27 November 08 I'm getting a bit sick of 3D graphics. When 3D was first invented, the first-person shooter, the flight sim and the RPG all got better. But platform games got worse.
Porn is not the biggest evil on the web By Luis Villazon published 25 November 08 There are more disturbing images for children than naked flesh.
Two console features that would kill PCs By Luis Villazon published 21 November 08 We need to think about what we really want to do with our lives and then consider whether a computer might help with any of them
How the internet stops you having fun By Luis Villazon published 21 November 08 When you are putting off doing things that are actually fun, you know your procrastination is out of control