The future of CRM - what to expect in the next decade

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The customer relationship management (CRM) software market is booming — and it doesn’t seem to be slowing down anytime soon. In fact, Fortune Business Insights predicts the global market will nearly double in size, reaching $157 billion by 2030, up from $71 billion in 2023.

But what does the future CRM look like? Most likely, artificial intelligence (AI) will take center stage, which will allow businesses to personalize customer experiences at scale. In the next decade, we’ll see the best CRM software transcend data management, and become a powerful tool for fostering a culture of customer-centricity.

You can read our full Workbooks CRM review here.

Reduced manual workloads

CRM is undergoing a significant transformation, driven by the ever-increasing power of automation. Modern CRM software has evolved far beyond its original function of simply storing customer information — it's becoming a powerful tool that can streamline workflows, free up valuable time for teams, and ultimately reduce manual workload.

The real win here is administrative. CRM automation will handle data entry, including automatically collating meeting notes and actions. This "co-pilot model" empowers your team by eliminating repetitive tasks and allowing them to focus on strategic initiatives and building stronger customer relationships. By embracing automation, companies will be able to achieve unprecedented levels of efficiency, personalization, and predictive accuracy — all while providing a superior customer experience.

headshot of John Cheney
John Cheney

AI-driven knowledge delivery

In the next decade, we can expect to see a revolution in CRM with AI-driven knowledge delivery. AI can analyze a CRM knowledge base to surface any required content, exactly when it’s needed. Imagine a customer service representative getting instant suggestions for relevant articles or troubleshooting guides during a chat session, or a sales representative having key product info and talking points at their fingertips.

This "conversational" AI tailors information in a user-friendly, step-by-step way, making it feel like getting help from a knowledgeable colleague. The benefits are vast — faster issue resolution for happier customers, empowered sales teams closing deals with confidence, and improved decision-making across the board. SpiceWorks reports that by leveraging AI-powered solutions, companies can predict customer needs, deliver personalized experiences, and drive unparalleled levels of engagement. AI-driven knowledge delivery isn't just finding information, it's making it actionable and enhancing relationships with customers.

Voice-driven CRM

The future of CRM isn't just about automation and smarter data — it's about embracing how we interact with technology. This is where voice-driven CRM steps in, transforming CRM from a screen-based tool into a seamless, voice-activated assistant.

Voice-driven CRM will be a game-changer. Traditional CRM interfaces can have a steep learning curve, leading to user frustration and resistance to adoption. Alternatively, voice-driven CRM is inherently intuitive — the natural communication style, hands-free convenience, and streamlined commands make interacting with customer data feel effortless. This allows for faster user adoption and smoother integration into daily workflows. It’s predicted to be especially useful in industries such as hospitality, where AI-powered voice assistants can control room features and provide information to guests. This conversational approach will boost user engagement, keeping data fresh. By eliminating the need for constant typing and data entry, voice-driven CRM frees up valuable time for users to focus on strategic tasks and customer interactions.

Increased user engagement

Traditionally, CRMs have catered primarily to power users –– those who interact with the system extensively. But the future of CRM is about inclusivity and engagement for everyone, including those who might be considered "lite" users. This is good news for marketing executives or team leaders who are seeking a tech stack that will make their lives simpler and more efficient.

CRM interfaces are becoming more user-friendly and intuitive, making them less intimidating for lite users. This includes features like drag-and-drop functionality, visual representations of data, and simplified navigation. The goal is to make it easy for everyone to access and leverage the power of CRM, regardless of their technical expertise. In the next decade CRM won't just present data — it will translate it into actionable insights. 

Imagine an executive receiving a notification with clear recommendations based on the latest sales figures, or a team leader getting suggestions for improving customer service interactions. This proactive approach empowers users to take timely action and drive positive business outcomes and enhances team alignment — when everyone has access to the same data and insights, teams can work more cohesively and collaboratively towards common goals.

The future of CRM: Main takeaways

The future of CRM is brimming with exciting possibilities that will transform how businesses manage customer relationships. We should expect to see the introduction of automated workflows, AI-powered knowledge bases that deliver info conversationally, and voice-driven interactions that make CRM more interactive. These advancements won't just streamline tasks, they'll also entice casual users to engage with the system. Customer service is also in for a shakeup, with automation and AI handling the majority of interactions, freeing human agents for complex issues, and building personal connections. As a result, in the next decade, we’ll see CRM be shaped by the need to create a holistic, customer-centric approach.

This article was produced as part of TechRadarPro's Expert Insights channel where we feature the best and brightest minds in the technology industry today. The views expressed here are those of the author and are not necessarily those of TechRadarPro or Future plc. If you are interested in contributing find out more here:

John Cheney
Chief Executive Officer at Workbooks

John serves as Chief Executive Officer at Workbooks.

As a successful entrepreneur John has over thirty years’ experience in the software industry; twenty of which have been running cloud computing businesses in Europe and North America. Prior to Workbooks, John founded two previous cloud software companies, both of which have been successfully sold.

John leads the team at Workbooks, a leading supplier of CRM and marketing automation solutions to mid-size companies.  Workbooks' CRM platform helps organizations grow revenues and streamline business processes. John has been involved in helping hundreds of companies improve their sales and marketing execution across a range of industries including manufacturing.

Prior to Workbooks, John founded BlackSpider Technologies in 2002 and successfully grew the company to become an award-winning provider of on-demand email and web security services to over 2,500 organizations world-wide. He led the company through Angel and Venture Capital Financing, the launch of award-winning services: MailControl and WebDefence, and international expansion. John successfully sold the company in July 2006 to SurfControl for $40m.   Following the successful sale John joined the Executive Management Team at SurfControl to run Marketing and Product Management. John was a key member of the senior management team which led the company through a successful sale to Websense for $400m in October  2007.