What is an LLM? Almost everything you want to know about Large Language Models

A hand reaching out to touch a futuristic rendering of an AI processor.
(Image credit: Shutterstock / NicoElNino)

Artificial intelligence (AI) has moved from the realm of sci-fi to our everyday lives, reshaping industries and redefining how we interact with technology. At the heart of this AI revolution are large language models (LLMs), the tech wizards behind AI systems like ChatGPT, which burst onto the scene in the winter of 2022. These models are like the multitaskers of the digital age, capable of generating text on just about anything you can think of, from casual chats to writing code.

So, what makes LLMs so special? They have an uncanny ability to create human-like text, blurring the lines between machine and human communication. Whether it’s helping you draft an email, translating languages, or even debugging code, LLMs have turned what once seemed impossible into a reality. Although they might seem like digital sorcery, their brilliance is backed by tons of data and cutting-edge science.

In a minute, we’ll dive deep into the world of LLMs. We’ll explore what they are, how they’re trained, and the incredible ways they’re used today. From tech giants pouring resources into developing the next big model to the ethical questions that come with such powerful technology, we’ll cover it all. So, prepare yourself for an AI-driven exploration as we uncover the intricacies of these language models - complete with our intriguing, albeit partial, understanding.

What are large language models (LLMs)? 

Large language models (LLMs) are the wizards of the AI realm, casting spells with words and transforming how we interact with machines. At their core, LLMs are advanced machine learning (ML) models designed to understand and generate human language. You can think of them as smart conversationalists who can chat, answer questions, summarize texts, write code, and even translate languages - all thanks to intense training on massive amounts of text.

But it’s not just the size of the data that makes them impressive - it’s the fact that they can tackle a wide variety of tasks. From drafting your emails to solving more complex problems, LLMs have raised the bar for what AI can achieve. And with each update, they only get smarter and more capable.

If you’ve ever wondered how AI chatbots seem to always be on the same page or how virtual assistants can reply like they’ve been browsing your reading list, you’ve seen LLMs in action. They may not be perfect (at least not yet), but they’re stirring things up in customer support and creative writing.

How do LLMs work? 

Now that we have an idea of what LLMs are, let’s dive into the neurons and tokens of how these work. At a high level, LLMs are powered by neural networks, which are a bit like trying to recreate a simplified version of how the human brain works - without the coffee breaks. These neural networks take words, break them down into tokens (which are tiny numerical representations of language), and then crunch a lot of data to predict what comes next in a sentence.

Think of it like when your phone tries to guess the next word while texting, only LLMs go further. They predict full sentences and even paragraphs that fit the context. Thanks to being trained on massive datasets, they understand language so well, that they can even add a creative twist if needed.

Behind the curtain, LLMs use vectors in three-dimensional space to connect words, kind of like mapping out how language works. Instead of words floating around aimlessly, they’re linked by meaning, context, and probability. When an LLM gets a prompt, it’s sorting through these connections to craft a response that makes sense.

But training these models isn’t a one-and-done deal. Once they complete their initial “education,” LLMs often enter a fine-tuning phase, where they get specialized training for certain tasks. This might include anything from responding to customer service queries to generating engaging creative pieces, based on the model's goals.

To put it simply, LLMs are like word wizards - they take in vast amounts of text, decipher meanings, and magically generate responses that feel remarkably human. However, it’s all grounded in data and algorithms - no actual magic (well, perhaps a little).

Ai tech, businessman show virtual graphic Global Internet connect Chatgpt Chat with AI, Artificial Intelligence.

(Image credit: Shutterstock/SomYuZu)

Architecture of LLMs 

LLM architecture is like the blueprint of a grand fortress  - intricate and essential for understanding how they operate. At the heart of these models lies a sophisticated structure that enables them to learn from vast amounts of data and create surprisingly coherent text.

Training processes and data requirements

The journey of an LLM begins with the training process, which is like a crash course in language for the model. To get LLMs up to speed, they’re fed a mountain of data - everything from blogs and books to forums and beyond. The more diverse the data spread, the sharper the model gets at understanding the nuances of language.

During this training, LLMs engage in unsupervised learning, which means they learn from patterns in the data without needing specific instructions. As they munch through this information, they get pretty good at predicting the next word in a sentence, mastering the art of language flow along the way.

However, training an LLM isn’t just a walk in the park. It requires a mountain of data (imagine billions of words) and some serious computing power. The result is a model that can create text that feels human. To keep their skills sharp and relevant, these models often undergo fine-tuning, honing their talents for everything from customer interactions to creative writing.

Core components of LLMs 

Let’s dive deep into the fundamental building blocks that empower LLMs with their impressive linguistic prowess and make them the conversationalists of the AI world.

The neural network architecture: The mastermind of language processing

The brain behind the magic is the neural network architecture, primarily built on transformer models. These transformers are game-changers, processing words in relation to one another instead of following a straight line. This fresh perspective allows them to grasp context and meaning with remarkable precision, producing text that’s not only coherent but also captivating.

Input embeddings: The art of converting text to data

The magic begins with input embeddings, where the input text undergoes tokenization, breaking down into individual words and sub-words. These tokens are transformed into continuous vector representations, capturing the semantic and syntactic nuances of the input. This foundational step is crucial for the model to understand the language it will be processing.

Positional encoding: Keeping track of words in context

This component maps each token to its position within the sequence, helping the model keep track of word order and meaning. Without this, the model would struggle to capture the complexities of human language.

Encoder layers: Dissecting and deciphering input text

At the heart of text analysis is the encoder, composed of multiple layers designed to scrutinize input. Using self-attention, it assigns importance to tokens and, with a feed-forward neural network, understands how they relate to each other. This dual-layer approach is essential for generating clear, relevant responses.

Decoder layers: Adding depth to text generation

In some LLMs, decoder layers come into play. Though not essential in every model, they bring the advantage of autoregressive generation, where the output is informed by previously processed tokens. This capability makes text generation smoother and more contextually relevant.

Multi-head attention: Gaining insights from multiple viewpoints

Multi-head attention acts like a language multitasker, running several self-attention processes at the same time. This trick allows the model to analyze multiple relationships between tokens simultaneously, making it especially adept at deciphering tricky or ambiguous text. The result is a deeper understanding of the context that boosts the model’s performance.

Layer normalization: Securing stability and consistency in learning

Layer normalization is like a reset button for each layer in the model, ensuring that things stay balanced throughout the learning process. This added stability allows the LLM to generate well-rounded, generalized outputs, improving its performance across different tasks.

Output layers: Customizing responses for specific contexts

At last, we arrive at the output layers, which bring the model's capabilities to life. These layers can differ widely across various LLMs, each designed to fulfill specific tasks. Whether the goal is to generate compelling text, respond accurately to inquiries, or weave intricate narratives, the output layers are finely tuned to deliver precisely what’s needed.

Representation of AI

(Image credit: Shutterstock)

Main features of LLMs 

From deciphering human speech to generating coherent text, LLMs are transforming how we interact with technology. Let’s dive into some of the standout capabilities that showcase their linguistic prowess.

Natural language understanding

At the core of every LLM is its knack for understanding natural language - you can think of it as a sophisticated decoder of human communication. These models analyze input text, grasping context, nuances, and even emotions. This ability enables them to interpret questions, respond to queries, and engage in conversations that feel surprisingly human.

Text generation and completion

Whether you're drafting an email, writing a blog post, or even crafting poetry, these models can whip up content that flows effortlessly. Imagine having your very own writing assistant, always ready to brainstorm ideas or fill in the gaps when inspiration runs dry.

When generating text, LLMs take context and style into account, delivering responses that not only make sense but also match the intended tone. It’s impressive how they can mimic various writing styles, from formal reports to casual chats, making them invaluable tools for writers and creators.

Translation and text summarization

LLMs can swiftly translate text from one language to another, capturing the essence of the message. These have the power to break down language barriers, making information accessible to all.

But that’s just the start - LLMs are also experts at summarizing texts. If you need a quick overview of a research paper, these models can condense complex information into bite-sized summaries, helping you stay informed without drowning in details.

What are some real-world applications of LLMs? 

Having explored the essential features of LLMs, let’s now uncover the exciting real-world applications of these models. Their remarkable versatility empowers them to excel in numerous areas, enriching our everyday lives and how we engage with technology.

Customer support service: Chatbots are changing the game

LLMs are reshaping customer service engagement, but the experience isn’t exactly seamless. While they handle simple questions well, they can struggle with more complex issues. Still, this allows human agents to tackle tricky problems, which should, in theory, lead to a better overall experience for customers.

Content creation: A new ally for creatives

Writers and marketers are tapping into the power of LLMs for content creation. Whether you need an eye-catching blog post or a snappy social media caption, LLMs can generate creative content tailored to your desired themes and tones, serving as your go-to brainstorming buddy when you're facing a creative block.

Personalized learning: Customizing education for every student

In the educational landscape, LLMs are enhancing personalized learning experiences. They craft tailored study materials, quizzes, and interactive lessons that cater to the unique needs of each student, turning classrooms into environments where learners can excel.

Healthcare: Helping medical professionals

In healthcare, LLMs are aiding professionals by reviewing medical records, summarizing medical literature, and crafting clinical notes. This automation of administrative work lets providers concentrate more on patient care, which should improve the healthcare experience.

Legal sector: Simplifying document workflows

In the legal field, LLMs can swiftly review contracts, summarize legal documents, and even predict case outcomes based on historical data. This speeds up research and allows legal professionals to make well-informed decisions without getting buried in paperwork.

Evidently, LLMs are reshaping industries and enhancing our daily lives. Their knack for understanding and generating human-like text means they’re not just tools - they’re paving the way for a more innovative and hopefully interesting future.

Ai tech, businessman show virtual graphic Global Internet connect Chatgpt Chat with AI, Artificial Intelligence.

(Image credit: Shutterstock/SomYuZu)

What are the major LLMs in the field? 

When it comes to language models, there are a few major names that stand out. These models have reshaped how we interact with technology, powering everything from chatbots to search engines. Let’s take a look at the top players driving this revolution and making our digital interactions smoother and smarter.

GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) series 

OpenAI's GPT series is the superstar of language models, stealing the spotlight with its impressive text generation. Starting with GPT-2 and now with the super-powered GPT-4, these models are experts at generating human-like text.

Whether drafting an email or answering a tough question, AI chats feel surprisingly human-like.

BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers)

Developed by Google, BERT changed the game for language understanding. Instead of reading words one by one, it looks at everything around a word to grasp the context. This makes BERT great at tasks like understanding the sentiment behind a sentence or answering tough questions.

RoBERTa (Robustly Optimized BERT)

It’s a turbocharged version of BERT that’s been fine-tuned to perform even better on language tasks. By using a bigger dataset and smarter training techniques, RoBERTa can handle tricky text with ease, making it a favorite in the NLP world.

T5 (Text-to-Text Transfer Transformer)

This LLM likes to keep things simple - everything is framed as a text-to-text task. It's perfect for summarizing documents, translating sentences, or whipping up catchy headlines. Its real charm lies in how effortlessly it handles different language tasks, making it a go-to for all types of projects without breaking a sweat.


XLNet takes the best parts of BERT and adds its flair by predicting words in sequences and capturing context in both directions. This clever approach makes it one of the top performers in everything from text classification to language modeling. It’s a bit like having the best of both worlds.

Other noteworthy models

There are plenty of noteworthy language models out there that might not steal the spotlight. Take DistilBERT, for example - it’s like the faster, more efficient version of BERT, perfect when you need speed without sacrificing too much performance. However, it still faces the challenge of maintaining the full power of larger models.

Then there’s ALBERT, which is all about keeping things light but still packs a punch. If you want to steer your AI in a specific direction, CTRL is your go-to, letting you control the kind of text it generates. But, while that control is handy for focused content, it can feel limiting in more creative or open-ended tasks.

And finally, Baidu’s ERNIE takes things up a notch by integrating knowledge graphs for context-heavy tasks. It’s impressive but still a work in progress - there’s room for improvement in balancing depth of understanding with versatility.

These models demonstrate the wide variety in the LLM world but also point to the need for further refinement.

Ethical and social considerations of using LLMs 

Large language models like GPT-4 are impressive but they also raise some ethical and social concerns. Let’s dive into what they are and why they’re important.

Bias and fairness: Stopping LLMs from spreading stereotypes

LLMs learn from a huge amount of data pulled from all over the internet - which means they can also pick up on the biases hiding in that data. This can lead to some pretty unfair or even harmful results, like reinforcing stereotypes.

To make LLMs fairer, it’s important to be careful about the data we use and to work on algorithms that can spot and minimize these biases. It’s a work in progress, but every step counts.

Protecting your privacy: Navigating personal data in a big data world

Training LLMs means using a ton of data and that data can include personal information. This brings a bit of a risk -  the model might accidentally generate responses that reveal private details. Thankfully, developers are working hard to find ways to protect your privacy, like using anonymized data and other privacy measures.

Still, it’s smart to stay aware, especially when sharing sensitive info with an AI.

Tackling misinformation: Keeping fake news at bay

LLMs are fantastic at crafting convincing text, but that talent can also lead to the spread of misinformation - by accident or on purpose.

Yes, developers are working hard to help LLMs fact-check themselves, but it’s also our job to double-check AI-generated info with reliable sources.

Job displacement: How AI is shaping the future of work

LLMs can take on tasks such as customer support, writing, and even coding, which means some jobs might feel a bit of a pinch. At the same time, these AI tools are also opening the door to exciting new opportunities and industries.

Accountability and transparency: Who's in charge of AI choices?

LLMs sometimes seem like “black boxes” - they whip up responses, but it’s not always clear how they got there. So, what happens if something goes awry?

Well, developers are on the case, working hard to make these systems more transparent and documenting their limitations.

Smart AI usage:  When and why LLMs need human oversight

LLMs are stepping into fields like mental health support, legal advice, and education - areas where even small mistakes can have devastating effects. To keep everyone safe, it’s critical to have clear guidelines and human oversight.

Greener AI: Reducing the carbon footprint in AI training

Training LLMs use a massive amount of computational power, and that can lead to a hefty carbon footprint. So, as AI continues to grow, it’s important to find greener solutions.

Fortunately, researchers are busy figuring out how to make training more efficient and are exploring renewable energy options to help lessen the environmental impact.

Future of LLMs: The exciting evolution and potential of LLMs 

The future of LLMs is looking pretty bright and full of potential. As these models continue to evolve, they're getting better at understanding context and generating responses that feel more human. With advances in machine learning and access to richer datasets, LLMs are set to transform everything from healthcare and education to entertainment and customer support.

But it doesn't stop there. As businesses start to tap into the power of LLMs, we’ll see a wave of innovative opportunities emerge. Companies will harness these models to streamline their operations, boost decision-making, and create personalized experiences for users.

Of course, with great power comes great responsibility. It’s crucial to ensure these tools are used ethically and without biases. So, as we gaze into the future, let’s celebrate the partnership between AI and human creativity to discover incredible possibilities while keeping things responsible.

The ever-evolving landscape of LLMs 

As our journey through the landscape of large language models wraps up, their immense potential becomes even more evident. These tools are transforming our interactions and sparking innovation. Yet, with such power comes the need for responsibility. By partnering AI with human creativity, we can unlock amazing opportunities while keeping ethics at the heart of this amazing adventure. 

We've listed the best AI tools.

Mirza Bahic is a freelance tech journalist and blogger from Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. For the past four years, Mirza has been ghostwriting for a number of tech start-ups from various industries, including cloud, retail and B2B technology.