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So the Razer Edge's claims of portability come with a grain of salt when you factor all the gear needed to make it gaming ready. Then there's the matter of its battery life.
But it does perform as advertised when it comes to gaming. Frame rates were smooth and consistent, as long as you did without the fancier DirectX 11 features. Plus having the full Windows 8 means you can do some real computing on this thing, if you're able to tear yourself away from Call of Duty.
So can the Razer Edge be recommended as a novelty, even if the smart money is on a laptop, or better yet for a budget's sake, a desktop? We think so.
We liked
The Razer's gaming performance is good, and the machine is snappy overall. It boots up lightning fast, and can switch between a game and the Start Screen easily, thanks to an i7 processor and snappy solid-state hard drive.
It's also good-looking and well built. It certainly feels premium, and while the fans shoot out hot air, they get the job done. The tablet doesn't get too hot in your hands.
The Gamepad controller is one of the coolest, most unique accessories we've ever used.
The Docking Station is a nice piece of machinery too, and with that keyboard dock on the way, it seems like Razer will be supporting this product with cool gear.
Last but not least, it's a really fun, novel way to check out new titles and revisit old favorites.
We disliked
If you're actually looking to game, this isn't really a portable system. You either need the Gamepad or a mouse, keyboard and Docking Station. That's too much of a haul to be a true handheld gaming system.
The Gamepad also makes it quite heavy. You'll be most comfortable playing it in bed, at a desk or on the couch, not on the bus. And you'll probably look pretty odd pulling it out in public.
The battery isn't great either, which is really a pity, since this seems like the perfect thing for a road trip or a long flight. Better invest in a car charger or upgrade to a business class seat where you can stay plugged in.
It's also really expensive, and there are plenty of laptops and desktops that can best the Razer Edge for less cash - but no other tablets.
Final verdict
The Razer Edge is an awesome toy that's a bit ahead of its time. The processors of tomorrow would likely extend its battery life and help it achieve a more digestible price point. It could also use an OS that's more fully suited a mouseless-interface.
Until then we've got something of a rich man's toy. It's simply not a good value when you put it side by side with comparably priced laptops and desktops.
That and the limited portability of the Razer Edge make you wonder when you'll use it. If you got the cash to burn, playing Batman on it would be a great way to pass the limo ride from your mansion to your yacht.
But it's hard to pick one up, play some Dirt 3 and not enjoy yourself. The Edge wins poinst for fun factor, style and proving that you can have Plants vs Zombies and Left 4 Dead 2 on the same tablet.
We don't recommend running out to buy one, no matter how optimistic you are about your tax return, but go out of your way to give it a try.

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