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Nokia C6-01 review: Maps and apps
As with most new Nokia offerings, the Nokia C6-01 is pre-installed with Ovi Maps providing users with free sat nav using the map data sourced from Navteq's vast global library. With this, you get free map and speed camera updates as well as application updates, too.
Best of all is that the map data is saved to your device, as long as you have a memory card installed, meaning that mobile reception is only required for traffic updates and to speed up initial GPS fix.
On top of this, Ovi Maps supports geolocational check-ins. The GPS performance is akin to the rest of the Symbian^3 range, which is a good thing – performance is very strong.
Pre-installed on the device you will find various other apps.
Calendar features multiple, shareable calendar support with web back-up/editing. Here and Now is a web widget providing information on local restaurants and entertainment. There's also a multi-lingual dictionary, although a data connection is required to download additional languages.
Voice Recorder enables you to record sound and, if you like, you can use it as your ringtone. Notes is a basic text pad. We had hoped for Active Note, as seen on the Nokia N97, but it's missing here. Message Reader is a text to voice application that converts text messages to audio.
Calculator is a basic calculator app. We were disappointed that there is no slightly more scientific option. Quickoffice is purely a document viewer, although you can purchase the full Microsoft Office file editor app on the Ovi Store. One thing to note is that the paid version does not support predictive text, which is frustrating. Adobe PDF is a simple PDF Viewer.
Psiloc World Traveler is an overseas traveler's companion providing information on currency conversion, flight times, weather, travel plans and world clocks.
F-Secure is an anti-theft application that won't stop your phone being stolen, but will enable remote lock, remote wipe, remote locate and lock when SIM changed, with reports being sent to your selected phone number.
Following setup, which requires a data connection, you will be prompted to upgrade to F-Secure's firewall and browser protection at around £30 per year with a 25 per cent discount. To be honest, we are not sure how necessary the paid service is.
One application notable in its absence is a converter, which has been present on all Nokia S60 phones for as long as we can remember.
When you visit the Ovi Store, a whole world of other applications becomes available.
Swype, which provides an alternative text input method.
Sports Tracker gives the sports enthusiast in you the ability to track your route, distance, speed, altitude and – if you're prepared to pay the £90 price tag – heart rate. Connect this with the Sports Tracker website and you've got a whole sports community and progress analysis tool.
Gravity is a paid-for application, but it's by far the best combined Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare and G Reader app available.
Situations will automate changing your profiles based on time, day, GPS, Cell or Wi-Fi location, Bluetooth connection or calendar events.
One use for this is putting your phone into low power mode at night to preserve battery life. One negative is that a new profile is created for every situation, so your profiles screen will become very busy if you use this heavily.
Along with these applications, there is a plethora of other apps, games, themes, blogs and media, many of which are free.
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