Porsche's latest EV tease could be the sporty electric car you've been waiting for

Ice Grey Porsche Taycan driving on a highway
The Taycan (above) is Porsche's first electric car, and may be soon joined by its second (Image credit: Porsche)

Not all that long ago, leaks of new product details and teaser images were the work of internet sleuths and opportunistic employees, but more and more companies are realizing that it's quite easy to build excitement with a steady trickle of official leaks and teases. 

Porsche is no exception and has just released an image of what appears to be the headlight units from an upcoming electric performance car.

The single photo shows a red vehicle with a headlight shape similar to the automaker's first all-electric car, the Porsche Taycan

That's the only hint that the vehicle could be battery-powered, though Porsche's tweet states "At @iaamobility, #Porsche is looking to the future, celebrating the world premiere of a future-oriented concept study on 6 September – live on newsroom.porsche.com." 

A future-oriented vehicle certainly sounds like an EV (electric vehicle) to us.

As for what, exactly, the vehicle will be, Inside EVs speculates the most likely answer is a next-generation Boxster E, citing clues such as the turn signals, which are located under the headlights.

According to the outlet, the setup indicates that the vehicle has a shorter hood, making it more of a sports car than a four-door crossover.

Analysis: Porsche is an ideal EV leader

Porsche's maiden EV effort, Taycan, landed in late 2020 and immediately made waves with its mind-blowing performance and ultra-premium price tag. 

In many ways, automakers like Porsche are ideal candidates to make the shift to an all-electric lineup. This is because for now, EVs are typically more expensive than their gasoline-powered counterparts. 

Electric vehicles are also viewed by many consumers as a premium, futuristic product, which aligns with the exclusive image and intricate engineering that people expect from brands like Porsche.

We could also argue that, despite the fact that vehicles like the Porsche Taycan are unobtainable by the vast majority of buyers, their flamboyance and performance numbers demand attention and may ultimately bring more people into the EV fold, so to speak. 

So, while the vehicles themselves won’t sell with enough volume to move the needle in terms of overall EV adoption, they may be exciting enough to convince holdout buyers that moving to an electric vehicle isn't so bad after all.

Chris Teague
Freelance Contributor

After working in the technology and software industry for several years, Chris began writing as a way to help people outside of that world understand the sometimes very technical work that goes on behind the scenes. With a lifelong love of all things automotive, Chris turned his attention to writing new vehicle reviews, detailing industry trends, and breaking news. Along the way, he earned an MBA with a focus on data analysis that has helped him gain a strong understanding of why the auto industry’s biggest companies make the decisions they do.